About myself: Photographer Roel Burgler's background and work
► After having studied political and social sciences, worked at the University of Amsterdam and gained a PhD, I started as a full-time professional photo-journalist. I have specialized myself in developing countries and development issues. I also cover Europe, particularly my home country the Netherlands.
► I work independently and in commission. Besides making reports on a wide range of issues, I also make portraits and cover all types of events, usually on assignment.
► My work regularly appears in all sorts of magazines, in the publications of many, mostly non-profit, organizations, as billboards, posters, postcards, in calendars, books, brochures, flyers, annual reports, newspapers and on the web.
► I also sell pictures as art for decorative purposes, at very reasonable rates. For my art work see roelb.exto.nl
► I've participated in many exhibitions and had a number of my own, including "AIDS in Africa", and "A Bow between two Worlds". The latter project compared Bhutanese and Dutch society in the light of globalization, using traditional archery as a metaphor. Have a look at a part of the archery exhibition. The project also resulted in a fine book: "A Bow between two Worlds". It is still available, let me know if you would like to purchase it.
► I have, furthermore, made documentaries for radio, done consultancy and advisory work, given courses for people being sent to work in developing countries, worked as a travel guide, and given courses in photography.
► If you are interested or would like to know more, order photos, or discuss possible assignments, workshops or courses on photography, please contact me. Under Contact you will find my particulars, and an easy way of sending me an e-mail.
► More information on LinkedIn: Profile Roel Burgler
► Latest news on Facebook: Roel Burgler Photography on Facebook
► Also have a look at: Roel Burgler on Instagram